Getting Started with HTML

Getting Started with HTML

Different Technology in Making a Website

Technology that are involved in making a website are basically categorized as Frontend, and backend web development. Frontend and backend are like architectural design. The computer does not understand human languages, so there are specific language which computer understands and interpretes with other computer. These languages vary from HTML, CSS, Javascript, python, PHP, ruby, etc.

Frontend :They are also referred to as being static. They include HTML CSS, Javascript.

  • HTML: is like a skeleton of a website i.e. it shows the content of what the website is made of.

  • CSS: which stands for cascading style sheet gives colour, style, look of the website.

  • Javascript: deals with the functionality, interactivity of the website.

NB: Learning HTML and CSS will prep one ahead to learning other technology involved in making a website.

Backend web development determines how a website works. They are also dynamic. They include python, PHP, ruby, Node.JS and many more.

History of HTML /Getting started with HTML

HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. It is supported by all browsers.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It uses markup to describe the structure of webpages.

There are things to look out for, know while starting with HTML; they include:

  • Hosting of website: E.g netlify, GoDaddy

  • Database: MySQL, postgreSQL

  • Installing basic software: VsCode, atom, sublime text, e.t.c.

  • Browser: such as Google chrome, Firefox, or safari

HTML Document Structure

HTML is the structure of a website i.e it shows the content of the website.

It is built up by elements, and they are represented by tag.

<! DOCTYPE html>









  • the <html> tag is the root element of any html page

  • the head contains the meta information

  • title specifies title for the document

  • Body contains the visible page content: the images, paragraphs, headings, links, and many more are contents in the body i.e <body> the contents goes in here</body>

HTML Element

HTML elements are the building blocks of this language i.e. HTML. They label pieces of content such as headings, paragraphs, table e.t.c They are always in a case-like called tag(start and end tag). Not all element have both opening and closing tag.

For instance, the p(paragraph) element has both the opening and closing tags i.e. <p> </p> while the br (break) has only opening tag i.e <br>.

What are HTML Tags and Attributes?

Either start or closeIt modifies element
<> </>determines how an element behaves
href link, img src

HTML Tag VS Element

HTML tag defines where an HTML element starts and where it ends.

HTML element labels pieces of content such as headings, paragraphs, table, and so many more.

What is in the Head?Meta Data in HTML

Head i.e <head> </head> contains the meta information about the document.

Meta data in html is to make a website compatible for phone, also for optimization of website. They are used to specify character set, keywords, author of the document